Keep Your Content On-Point: A Guide to Relevance

In today’s world of advanced search engine technologies, topical relevance is crucial for ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

As search algorithms become more adept at identifying the most relevant content, brands need to adjust their strategies to stay ahead or improve their rankings.

This guide explores how to build topical relevance in web copy, social media content, and other digital materials to maintain or improve your search engine ranking.

Why is topical relevance key to digital growth?

Early search engines relied on the sheer volume of content to increase web traffic. Back then, search engines couldn’t analyze the relevance or expertise of content. As a result, many sites flooded their pages with irrelevant content hoping to rank higher.

Today’s search engines are much smarter. They prioritize content that is topically relevant, meaning it closely matches the user’s search intent. To achieve topical relevance, a site should:

  • Thoroughly cover topics related to the keyword.
  • Address related topics or create a topic cluster to build authority.
  • Include a high volume of content relevant to the keywords.

Search engines assess whether a page is an authority on the subject to determine its ranking. Factors like backlinks, keywords, and content length all contribute to a page’s topical relevance.

The building blocks of topical relevance: Backlinks, keywords, and content volume


Backlinks are links from one site to another. They act as citations, signaling to search engines that the content is credible and authoritative. High-quality backlinks from relevant sites can enhance your content’s search engine ranking. Search engines now evaluate the relevance and quality of these links to prevent manipulation by spammy practices.


Keywords are vital for search ranking. Effective keyword research ensures that your content aligns with what users are searching for. The right keywords must match the target audience’s intent. For instance, a brand selling grooming tools should use keywords specific to their products rather than unrelated terms.

Content Length

Longer content can improve rankings if it’s relevant and detailed. More words generally indicate more information, but the content must remain focused on the topic. Overloading content with irrelevant keywords or links can be counterproductive.

Tools to Build Topical Relevance

Several tools can help enhance topical relevance:

  • Google Trends: Provides insights into keyword search trends over time and location.
  • MarketMuse: Offers content blueprints and keyword strategies for optimizing relevance.
  • SEMRush: Assists with keyword research, comparison, and backlink analysis.

Building Topical Relevance Step-by-Step

  1. Determine Relevant Topics: Identify key topics related to your niche. For a hair products brand, this might include hair styling, hair care, and hair tools.
  2. Choose Keywords: Focus on keywords that align with your topics. For instance, a brand specializing in curly hair products might use keywords like “curly hair styling” and “curly hair care.”
  3. Develop a Linking Strategy: Incorporate relevant backlinks from authoritative sources related to your topics.

Building topical relevance involves careful planning and execution, balancing keywords, backlinks, and content length to enhance search rankings and drive traffic.

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