If you’ve been wondering why your blog posts aren’t getting the shares and comments you hoped for, you’re not alone. Here are some common reasons and practical solutions to help you increase engagement.
#1: Lack of Unique and Quality Content
People love to read fresh, informative articles that provide new knowledge and insights. If your content is not unique or of high quality, readers are less likely to engage with it. High-quality posts that offer valuable learning experiences are more likely to be shared and commented on. Make sure your articles are well-researched, informative, and provide real value to your readers.
#2: Weak Personal Connections
How strong are your relationships on social media? Building personal connections is crucial for engagement. If you have a strong relationship with your followers, they are more likely to share and comment on your posts. Spend at least 30 minutes to an hour daily engaging with your social media community. Build relationships by interacting with your followers, commenting on their posts, and participating in discussions.
#3: Sharing Unattractive Posts
Simply sharing links without any context can be unappealing. People are busy and unlikely to click on links that don’t clearly indicate value. Enhance your posts with attractive images and brief descriptions that highlight the content’s value. Include a call to action to encourage clicks and engagement.
#4: Lack of Participation in Social Media Groups
Being part of social media groups and networks can significantly boost your blog’s engagement. Join groups related to your niche where members support each other by sharing and commenting on posts. These groups can help you gain more visibility and interaction on your blog posts.
#5: Not Sharing Others’ Content
When you’re hesitant to share other bloggers’ content, you miss out on building goodwill. Sharing posts from other bloggers or competitors shows your audience that you value diverse sources of information. This can lead to reciprocal sharing, where others are more likely to share and comment on your posts in return.

Increasing shares and comments on your blog posts requires a combination of creating high-quality content, building personal connections, making your posts visually appealing, participating in social media groups, and sharing others’ content. Implement these strategies to enhance your blog’s engagement and visibility.
Have you tried any of these tips? What has been your experience with getting shares and comments on your blog posts? Share your thoughts with us below.